السبت، 23 أغسطس 2014

Acupuncture as a remedy for back pain

Acupuncture as a remedy for back pain

If you suffer from back pain you probably would not consider acupuncture as a treatment until you have tried many other alternatives. However, acupuncture is a type of ancient Chinese medicine that has been around for over 2500 years and during that time it has been used for the relief of back pain, increasingly so in these modern times.

Although it is not always a part of Western medicine, today, your doctor is quite likely to send you this treatment if you suffer from back pain or neck is persistantly or due to accident or injury.

If you're going to have this therapy you can know a little about how it works. The general belief is that the body has 20 models of energy flow called meridians or channels. Through these channels, we believe that the life force or vital energy flow is called Qi (it's pronounced chee) and is considered essential to maintaining good health. There are over 2,000 points on our bodies that connect to these channels and it is at these points that the extremely fine needles are inserted, this is done by varying the specific combinations depending on the treatment required. These actions are considered either correct the flow of qi or strengthen.

While this can not be proved that it works as a type of pain relief, it is believed that as a result of the central nervous system is stimulated. Most patients say they get a tingling sensation at the insertion of needles and indeed in the course of treatment, which usually lasts about 15 to 30 minutes. Some people report that they feel energized or very relaxed so it seems that the effect may be somewhat different depending on the individual.

The acupuncturist will use up to 20 metal needles during a treatment session and the depth of their integration depends on the region, muscle or fatty areas need more deep penetration and scalp example would be just under surface. The practitioner may turn the needle one way or another depending on what they are trying to achieve, in my personal experience they were turned back at the insertion and again halfway through the treatment. At no time the treatment is painful, there is a simple sensation of needles going in and they do not feel strong at all, it is because unlike needles used for injections, acupuncture needles a look arrive at a smooth point, no sharp edges. They are also very thin, approximately 20 times thinner than a hypodermic needle. In my experience, the hardest part of the treatment is lying in the same position without moving for 30 minutes, especially if you suffer from back pain or similar.

While there are many medical experts believe that acupuncture is an effective way to treat certain conditions such as back pain, there is no real consensus. Some adhere to the theories of qi and meridians while other attributes acupunctures benefits to biological changes that are brought about in the body after treatment. Needless to say, there will always be skeptics who deny that acupuncture has any effect, but in my opinion, if you're suffering from chronic back pain, it is definitely worth trying.

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